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Product Details
UPC: 775612004257
Brand: Sani Marc

Raises calcium hardness, helping to keep pool water perfectly balanced and preventing the corrosion of metal surfaces.

Features and Benefits

  • Balances calcium hardness in pool water
  • Prevents corrosion of metal surfaces and protects pool equipment
  • Improves swimmer comfort

When to use

Use Calcium+ to increase calcium hardness in pool water. The recommended total calcium hardness for pool water is between 200 and 300 ppm. It is recommended to check water balance every two weeks.

How to use

Pre-dissolve Calcium+ in a bucket of water before adding it to pool water. Add 130g of Calcium+ per 10,000L of pool water to increase total hardness by 10ppm. Do not apply the product while people are in the pool. Because the product must be pre-dissolved before adding to pool water, there is no required waiting time after applying Calcium+.

Looking to make your pool water feel softer? Check out the best product you've never heard of, Summer Smiles Soft!

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